7 Tips For Growing Alocasia Flower With Care

Alocasia flower is a genus of 80 species of tuberous. It is the herbaceous perennial originating from the tropical regions of Asia. They are so prominent due to the abundant rainfall that these places receive. Alocasia grows top where annual daytime temperatures range from 68 to 77 degrees F. It grows mainly in shades that […]

What Does Sprouting Carrots Look Like? (Updated)

Growing carrots in your garden involves a lot of excitement and fun. But sprouting carrots are difficult to recognize, especially if you grow them in a place where weeds or grass already exist.  Many gardeners wonder what does sprouting carrots look like. Carrot sprouts and weeds look very similar, which can confuse many gardeners.  You’ll […]

Modern House Plants (6 Tips)

It’s a new calendar year, and it’s time to explore the world of houseplants. Some exciting modern house plants can give your existing indoor jungle a trendy look. Houseplants are important in transforming any living space into a vibrant green look. They purify the air and provide a relaxing ambiance inside the home. Houseplants can […]

Is Gardening a Hobby?

A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your leisure time. Different people have different hobbies according to their tastes. But is gardening a hobby? Yes, gardening is a hobby. It gives you immense joy when you nurture plants in your hand. You can pluck fresh fruits and vegetables from your garden. Gardening […]

A Guide To Vegetable Gardening in Arizona

Gardening comes with various health benefits. You can enjoy eating fresh fruits and vegetables every year. However, gardening in Arizona comes with various challenges. Lower elevation regions in Arizona have warm temperatures almost throughout the year. But with proper knowledge, you can grow various vegetables in Arizona. Challenges Of Vegetable Gardening In Arizona 1. Heat […]

A Guide To Roof Top Gardening

Planting various trees in big cities helps to improve air quality. However, the lack of enough space and the high price of land make it challenging to increase city parks. A rooftop garden is a landscaped green space created by humans on top of a residential building or apartment. You can grow fruits and vegetables […]

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