electrical outlet

4 Things You Need To Do If An Electrical Outlet Gets Wet

4 minutes, 47 seconds Read

It is no classified that accidents can happen anytime. One of such issues is getting water inside the electrical outlet. It may happen when you are facing an uncontrolled supply of water due to leakages or the condition of flood or rain can also cause this. In some cases, the pipes burst and water goes inside the outlets; or it may also happen if the outlets are situated very close to the tabs and trap the moisture.

Whatever the reason for wet outlets is, you should not ignore this.

Today in this article, we will guide you on how to deal with the wet outlets, why they can be risky and how the expert team of electricians can help you in solving your outlet wetting issues.

What are the dangers associated with wet outlets?

Trapping water inside the outlet would not only stop its working but also serve as a dangerous thing for everyone who lives in the particular house where outlets are moist.

Let’s break each element down and make a list of dangers associated with the wet outlets.

  • Increased risks of potential shocks, short circuits and fires.
  • An emergency can even lead to death if it stays unhandled for longer.
  • Greater chances of facing the damage of internal wiring.


So it is extremely important to pay special attention to the wet outlets before it’s too late.

4 Ways To Deal With Wet Electrical Outlet

First of all, for electrical outlet you should make arrangements to completely avoid this problem because prevention is always better than cure. But it is also a fact that you cannot control the accidents from happening.

So if you have fallen into trouble and the worst has happened to you, you should still not worry about anything because we have come up with the solutions and the team of emergency electricians is also ready to help you out.

Now have a look at the solutions we have for you.

Use GFCI sockets as standard

GFCI sockets are getting popular day by day. GFCI stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) and such sockets are perfectly designed to reduce the chances of ignition even if the outlets get wet.

They come up with a safety feature that immediately comes into action whenever the water gets into the outlets. So it protects you from the potential risks of fires or electric shocks.

We also understand that not everyone has GFCI sockets and this is where the role of other solutions comes into the picture. So if you do not have the sockets due to many reasons such as your home is old and cannot support these sockets or your fittings are too old for the adjustments, you will need to proceed with other solutions.

Disconnect the power at the fuse box

Whenever you find that the sparking fire is likely to occur at the wet outlets, you should immediately rush to the fuse box and disconnect and shut down the power sockets. It is something that anyone can do to avoid the potential risks but it is not the long-term solution.

However, you can easily proceed with that to go through the repair process safely.

For this purpose, you should have the knowledge of which part of the switch goes to which part of your house and if you are shutting down the power at the right location.

Use a voltage meter

If you are not sure about the dryness of the outlets, you should never repair, use or replace them. So one of the safest solutions is to use the voltage metre to get a realistic idea of the amount of current that can pass through it. If the current passes, it simply means that outlets are wet and allowing the conduction of current.

Here it is important to mention that most people do not even know how to use the voltmeter. Any YouTube video can help you with that. However, before you use a voltmeter, it is important to power off the fuse box.

Consider complete replacement of outlets

Another simple, straightforward and possible solution is to proceed with the complete replacement of the outlets. It is particularly important when the water damage is very severe and there are strong chances of getting fires and shocks.

Although it may seem a very simple solution, the installation and replacement of new outlets is something that can be done with the help of a licensed professional. Remember that it involves electricity so you should never be risking it.

If you do not want to proceed with the replacement or find it a difficult and costly process, then you can also upgrade the sockets. Upgradation also works in most cases.

No matter which solution you use, it is all about ensuring the maximum safety of your home and making arrangements for full protection from electric fires, shocks and other potential hazards.

Still not confident to handle the wet outlets?

Our services are not limited to the replacement, repairing or other solutions regarding the outlets but we are also experienced and expert in solving all the issues that may occur regarding the electrical outlet damages due to bad weather, electrical fires, appliance failures and much more.

It would be right to say that we are super concerned about the safety of all the people and are ready to go the extra mile for it. So if you are also planning to make the safety arrangements for this winter and proceed with the repairing, replacement and up-gradation of your electrical devices, appliances and outlets, you should reach out to expert electricians to get the ultimate power solutions.

We hope that this guide has proven very helpful for you and you can keep your home safe.

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