alocasia flower

7 Tips For Growing Alocasia Flower With Care

7 minutes, 6 seconds Read

Alocasia flower is a genus of 80 species of tuberous. It is the herbaceous perennial originating from the tropical regions of Asia. They are so prominent due to the abundant rainfall that these places receive.

Alocasia grows top where annual daytime temperatures range from 68 to 77 degrees F. It grows mainly in shades that have a drainage system rich in humus. The nature of the soil is fertile and loamy, which can tolerate a vast range of soil types.

Alocasia-The tree that grows up to heaven

alocasia flower
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Multiple species of the alocasia flower can heat the flowering spadix as the pollen becomes ready for fertilization. The heat increases the aroma that the plant releases, which helps attract the insects that contribute to pollination. Thus, the level of fertilization increases.  

Here’s the right step to grow a mature Alocasia flower!

  • Plants typically take 600 days to mature.
  • Fertilization of the roots takes place if you water them regularly.
  • Dig the pots first and then water the soil before planting the seeds of the alocasia flower.

Pro Tip: Reducing the water in the winter will prevent the roots from rotting. However, you must dig up the roots before the first frost falls.

Information about the Alocasia Plant Before You Start Growing Them

The Alocasia flower or plant has several other names, including The Kris Plant, Elephant Ear, and African Mask. The Amazonica is the first variety from the Alocasia family to appear in homes, but the Polly seems to thrive the prime. The size of the flower is small.

Many species of this plant group can heat up the flowering spadix as the pollen becomes ready for fertilization. This heat increases the plant’s aroma, which attracts more pollinating insects and increases fertilization.

The plant rarely bears an alocasia flower, but the blooms are creamy white when it does. In contrast to the flower, the leaves, however, are colourful. The plant is often a common sight in homes as it forms a good collection of indoor houseplants. These can grow top if the temperatures and indoor moisture level permit, mainly in summer.

Tip: Avoid growing these plants in a pot, as they will not reach their actual height if their roots are restricted to a small space.

Exotic plants like Alocasia challenge people looking to grow them in their homes. One of the primary reasons alocasia flowers are so difficult to produce a bloom is that they need good conditions.

7 Tips For Growing Alocasia Flower With Care

alocasia flower
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Here’s a short list of the vital conditions you need for growing alocasia plant with complete care.


Like all other living things, alocasia requires abundant bright sunlight. However, it should be indirect light. Just ensure it gets plenty of light in the room without setting it in front of an open window. It will experience less stress if there is more sunshine. The alocasia flower has medicinal benefits. It reduces stress and promotes peace at home.


Soil condition is one of the most critical items this houseplant needs to thrive. This means you must ensure you are providing the top quality soil condition. One of the top soil compositions for the Alocasia plant is equal parts of perlite, sand, and peat moss. The perlite and sand help to provide aeration and water drainage to prevent damage to its root system.


Soil condition is paramount to providing the optimum growing conditions for your Alocasia plant. To help you do this, it is important to add the right amount of fertilizer. This promotes the pH level of the soil. You should use a high-phosphorus-content fertilizer, such as monopotassium phosphate (MKP).


The climate is critical to help provide a sufficient growing environment for the Alocasia plant in your home. Since it is a tropical plant, you will need to maintain a consistent temperature in the room. This will likely produce a beautiful Alocasia flower.


Keep the temperature in the room between 65 – 85 degrees F.


The Alocasia Plant is tropical; the more humidity in its environment, the happier it will be. This will also reduce stress. It will create an optimum condition, leading to beautiful flowers and foliage.


It prefers a consistent humidity level between 50 and 60 per cent. You should invest in a moisture meter and humidifier to monitor it.


The amount of water level is also significant. You want to be sure you are watering it enough, but remember, too much water can lead to root rot, which is detrimental to your Alocasia plant.


If the soil is optimum and draining correctly, you should only add more water when you see the top few inches of the soil is dry. Using distilled water, add only enough to dampen but not create pooling water on the surface.


An eye-catching addition to any collection of houseplants, the alocasia conveys a sense of tropical jungle with its gorgeous foliage. These plants need some special attention, although they do well with bright and indirect light, regular watering, and high humidity—conditions that are precisely found in their natural habitats.

Alocasia Flower Pollination

The Alocasia plant is not a self-pollinator; therefore, you must use a manual pollination technique to get your plant to reproduce.

The male and female parts of the plant are divided into two different parts of the flower. One is the male, and the other is the female aspects of the plant. These are available in the spathe.

The female part of the spathe or spadix is on the upper half, and the male part is in the spadix’s upper part.

Since it is not self-pollinating, you must extract a small amount of the pistol (male) and mix it with a small amount of pollen. The pollen mixture is then put into the female portion of the flower.

Using the method, you can also fuse different hybrid Alocasia plants by mixing pistols from another variety to give birth to another plant. There are several other methods for pollinating the Alocasia plant; the most popular is to make a small cut into the plant just below the bottom of the spathe and expose the pistol.

You can remove a small amount of the pistol using a cotton swab. Then, you put the plant into a small amount of pollen, introduce the mixture to the female part of the spathe, and nurture it gently.

Are Plants In The Alocasia Genus Poisonous?

Alocasia species is also known as elephant ears. They grow fast and are ornamental plants that don’t require much watering, making them a simple addition to any plant lover’s collection.

These plants have broad leaves that resemble elephant ears, hence the name. They grow anywhere from 1 to 12 feet tall! Although very beautiful, Alocasia plants can be hurt if you mishandle them.

Problems You May Encounter

All parts of the plant contain tiny calcium oxalate crystals. If any part is chewed, it can cause irritation to the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat. Although rare, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty swallowing are common issues that make the plant dangerous at times.


Symptoms generally develop quickly after exposure and last up to half a day. Other popular houseplants containing calcium oxalate crystals are Dieffenbachia and Philodendron.Several preparation methods claim to decrease the calcium oxalate content of the starchy stems of these plants. Despite the calcium oxalate content, a few varieties of Alocasia serve as a staple food for more than 400+ million people.


However, these preparation methods only promise to decrease the oxalate content, and eating the starchy stems of these plants can still cause injury resulting from exposure to the undissolved oxalate crystals.

Are you exposed to the Alocasia plant? Or perhaps you are allergic to Alocasia.

alocasia flower
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If someone is exposed to an Alocasia plant, here’s a guide for them

  • Gently wipe out their mouth.
  • Have them rinse and spit with water to remove any visible plant material from their mouth.
  • Ask them to drink a few small sips of water to rinse the remaining material into their stomach.
  • Is there mouth irritation? Immediately suck in some ice chips or frozen treats for pain relief.
  • Are you experiencing nausea or vomiting? Remember to keep them hydrated with small sips of clear fluids.

In A Nutshell

The distinctive shapes and rich leaves accentuate the drama and intrigue of desks, shelves, and tabletops. For the top outcomes while growing alocasia indoors, place it away from direct sunlight, supply enough water and humidity, and fertilize it often.

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